A população de Araguari prima pela hospitalidade, e por isso fomos alvo de muitas gentilezas inesquecíveis, a todo instante éramos cercado com o carinho e a atenção de todos.
O seminário se deu no auditório do Clube de Diretores Lojistas, para 196 professores. Participaram do evento todas as diretoras, supervisoras e professores da rede municipal de ensino, como abaixo:
The population of Araguari distinguished for its hospitality, and so were the butt of many kindnesses unforgettable, every moment we were surrounded with the love and attention of all.
The seminar took place in the auditorium of Directors Tenants Club, 196 teachers. Participants included all directors, supervisors and teachers of municipal schools, as below:
- CEM. José Inácio
- CEM. Justin R. da Cunha
- CEM. Ozório V. Carrijo
- CEM. Pope John XXIII
- CEM. Professor Hermanegildo
- CEM. Rosa Mameri Rade
- CEM. Ten. Cel. Vilagran Cabrita
- School Artur Bernardes
- Cel School. Lindolfo R. Cunha
- John Mason School
- Queen of Peace School
- Preschool Child Hope
- Preschool Viscount of Ouro Preto
- Department of Education
The following report on the event Araguari, we extract from the newspaper "Bottle Parda" issue of the day 3/15/98:
"It was the first seminar held in this mode Araguari and aimed to empower, inform and pass for each person connected to the area of education, the knowledge and the practice of human values and their importance within the educational context.
The explanation Medeiros got unexpected reactions of all participants, awakened feelings of each person finding and amazing attitudes, and generate awareness of the importance of being good to yourself and just go from there to get the other person to be transmitted and how to transmit.
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence: the five basic human values were studied. Brand quality unified man who must be the product of any educational system. This practice leads man to strive for perfection in the physical, vital, emotional, intellectual and spiritual parts of your personality.
'A person who knows love knows gives him. We must return to the past, where the teacher taught and passed the knowledge with love. The child should learn in school human values and be prepared for life, the good teacher is one who inspires and teaching the student to become a human being. '
According to Secretary of Education Carmelia, this workshop gives teachers an ability to better relationship with students. 'In addition to providing students with the heart and determination to shape their careers valuing their own efforts and their inner strength.'
The program Sathya Sai Education in Human Values is unique and is sourced from 'Spirit of Man'. Your content is also universal and secular, reaching to all individuals of all faiths existing in the world.
The principle of Education in Human Values is to teach what is practiced. Baba, creator of the method, says that teachers should familiarize themselves with the happenings around them and pass them on to students under their responsibility.
"Education without character is like a fruit without juice or a cow that does not give milk," says Baba. It is for this reason that the teacher can only teach after putting into practice his teachings. So it will be an ideal setting for the world. The teacher can teach well, can show easy methods, but if their conduct does not agree with what he says, no one will follow you, no one will care about it.
Human values are not likely to be obtained from a text and not provided by any company. Are a natural attitude that comes from the heart.
The concept of integration is explained by Baba as:
Love as thought is Truth
Love as action is Right Action
Love as feeling is Peace
Love as understanding is Non-violence.
"Our life plans are not
to move ahead of others,
but to move ahead
ourselves. "
Sathya Sai Baba
2 to 5 March, we held a training of teachers in the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values for Regional Superintendent of Education (SRE) of the State Department of Education 40th, in the amphitheater of the Federal University of Uberlândia-MG.
The participants consisted of 394 principals and vice-principals in state schools and employees of SRE 40th.
The event was opened by Professor DILMA DE PAULA SEGATTO (right), superintendent of the 40th SRE. A new physical form of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values was tried, and the result was very happy.
Talking about love, truth, peace, joy, happiness all talk. Having a live, real experience, real not everyone has these feelings. We can describe the pain of those who had kidney stones, a doctor may even heal the sick. Engineers and physicists can create machines to implode kidney stones. But only the patient knows, because he feels the pain that causes a kidney stone.
For this reason we always try, in the practices of sitting in silence or meditation, lead the trainees to experience a real energy that emanates in the form of peace, love and joy.
Thus created an appropriate environment, teachers take to experience the peace, on the first day of the seminar. Ninety-five percent of these lived the experience, felt, or saw the power of manifesting peace in your heart.
It is extremely interesting experience of Universal Love. This is because various forms of energy cause peace, but not everyone can see the real color of the energy of peace. The Love, however, is special, unique, inimitable. One of the teachers, be assuming the red color of love, and mentalizou mentalizou wanting to change the color via the heart. He could not, despite all the efforts of the mind.
When checked by the audience who felt, or saw the color of love in the heart, this teacher was surprised to learn that the actual color of love was the one that was in his heart, not trying to mentally see and feel.
On the third day we traveled to the heart with the teachers to meet with joy. The sheer joy that is not dependent on this or that. It's unbelievable how not everyone can see the color of pure joy. Even more striking is the evidence that a small number of children are educated at home and at school, to love yourself. So it's extremely small number of people who say like yourself who loves himself.
The seminar on Education in Human Values, then, becomes the rediscovery of love, a journey into the heart that leads to opening the doors of affection, the affection, of tenderness, of sweetness, of love itself. On the last day, two teachers made individual presentation of a class of EVH in their respective materials. For these presentations, a teacher brought a group of 30 school children who directs, and boys and girls charmed the audience.
Two groups presented values by passing the lessons from the book of EVH.
It is a joy to note the difference in the features of the people. On the first day of some muscles of the face was the natural state of tension, worry. As each one went to feel his internal source in the heart, the expression changed, became relaxed, denoting peace.
Participated in the March 3, of the Journal of Noon, Triangle TV, connected to Globo.
Was held on May 7, with 8 hours of tuition, workshop for 285 teachers state and municipal schools, and was attended by the Municipal Secretary of Education. The principals of state schools were responsible for organizing the seminar, which took place in the auditorium belonging to the local Catholic Church.
- State School Elizena Lion
- State School Dr. Jose de Campos Cordeiro
- Escola Estadual Padre Clemente of Maleto
- State School Deiró Borges
- Municipal School Amelia Franco
- Municipal Rural Schools
- Center School John Bolinha
- Peppermint Green (private)
- AMDAE (Municipal Association of Educational Support and Development
Activities were given so that the teacher could recognize the power of love exists in your heart. Also apply the instruction of Sathya Sai Baba who teaches the teacher to engage all students in your classroom in the energy of universal love in your heart.
For the purpose of recycle teachers from various schools and train new, Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, this seminar was held on May 9 at the International Club Araxá hall, with 8 hours lesson. 95 teachers participated, and there were many discussions on how to permeate the matter with human values, taking into account the different levels of learning.
- State School Vasco Santos
- Loren Rivers State School
- State School D. Jose Gaspar
- State School Leah Salgado
- State School Prof. Luis Antonio de Oliveira
- Escola Estadual Luiza de Oliveira Faria
The seminar was organized by Professor Onilda Soares, director of the State School Vasco Santos, who recently due to inappropriate behavior in the classroom, decided that boys and girls have separate classes in the second grade classes. This fact was widely reported by the press, and the students approved the measure on the grounds that now devote more attention to the lessons. Activities were given so that the teacher could recognize the power of love exists in your heart. Also apply the instruction of Sathya Sai Baba who teaches the teacher to engage all students in your classroom in the energy of universal love in your heart.
This workshop was intended to both professors and SESI (Industry Social Service) and SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning), entities belonging to the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais.
The event was opened by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Ferreira, vice president of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais, and the closure by Mr. Marcos Antonio Giraldo, SESI and SENAI manager of Uberlândia.
In the end, individual teachers had a classroom of their respective Matters permeating with Human Values, recently learned. There was also the presentation of groups, following the lessons of the book "Sathya Sai - Education in Human Values".
The seminar was held in the Auditorium Santa Monica, Federal University of Uberlândia, and his 240 teachers participated.
Activities were given so that the teacher could recognize the power of love exists in your heart. Also apply the instruction of Sathya Sai Baba who teaches the teacher to engage all students in your classroom in the energy of universal love in your heart.
On the initiative of the Sathya Sai Group of Recife Metropolitan and coordinated by professor Maria Thereza de Mello Jungmann, conducted a seminar on the program Sathya Sai Education in Human Values in Recife-PE, on 22 and 23 May, to 304 teachers and professionals liberals of the following municipalities:
- Recife
- Jaboatão Guararapes
- Moreno
- Camaragibe
- São Lourenço da Mata
- Cabo de Santo Agostinho
- Ipojuca
- Ladder
- Olinda
- Igarassú
- Abreu e Lima
- Paulista.
The seminar was supported by the Municipal Department of Education Joboatão Guararapes and the sponsorship of Rotary Club Recife Thirteen-May.
Was attended also by teachers and students of the faculties: UFPE, UFRPE, ESURP, FACHUCA, FAFIRE, and teachers of the Education Department of the State of Pernambuco (DEE / DEXE, DEE / DETE, DERE / METRO / SUL and DERE / NORTH).
Activities were given so that the teacher could recognize the power of love exists in your heart. Also apply the instruction of Sathya Sai Baba who teaches the teacher to engage all students in your classroom in the energy of universal love in your heart.
The seminar was held in the auditorium of FUNDAJ with 16 classroom hours. In the end, teachers individually and groups are presented, demonstrating the new knowledge received.
We serve the convenience of the 39th Regional Superintendent of Education, held three meetings on the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, each with 8 class hours.
1st Seminar - Uberaba (Minas Gerais)
This first seminar on the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values was held on April 2, 1998, and was aimed at state schools from neighboring counties to Uberaba. Both the opening and the closing was conducted by Professor Abigail Bracaense, superintendent of the 39th Regional Superintendent of Education.
In addition to the Regional Superintendents of Education, the cities of Ituiutaba-MG, MG-Mount Carmel, Paracatu-MG, Patos de Minas-MG and MG-Sponsor, about 250 teachers, municipalities participated in this event below:
- Water Long-MG
- Campo Florido-MG
- Conquest-MG
- Conceição das Alagoas-MG
- Delta-MG
- Pirajuba-MG
- Sacramento-MG
- St. Juliana-MG
- Verissimo-MG
2nd Seminar - Uberaba (Minas Gerais)
Professor Abigail Bracaense, superintendent of the 39th Regional Superintendent of Education, made the opening of this second seminar on the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, held on April 3, 1998. The closure was conducted by Professor Nadir Maria Dias da Silveira.
At the invitation of Professor Abigail Bracaense, directors of state schools Araxá-MG, where the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values has been applied since 1997, came to give his testimony on the implementation of the program in that city.
About 800 teachers from state schools in Uberaba-MG attended the meeting.
3rd Seminar - Uberaba (Minas Gerais)
The third workshop was held on April 4 in Fruity-MG, and was attended by 650 teachers, corresponding to state schools in the municipalities of Comendador Gomes, MG, MG-Frontier, Fruity-MG, MG-Itapagipe and flatness-MG.
The (a) s secretary (a) s of Education of these 5 counties also participated in the seminar on the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values.
This event was conducted by Professor Maria Inez de Vasconcelos Rodrigues, in Fruity inspector on behalf of the 39th Regional Superintendent of Education.
Coordinated by the 40th Regional Superintendent of Education, conducted a seminar on the Sathya Sai Education Program in Human Values in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, on 6 and 7 April, for the following schools:
State -Conservatório Music
"Cora Pavan Capparelli"
-School State Sete de Setembro
-School Nelson Cupertino State
-School State Angelino Pavan
-School State Monte Alegre
The seminar was held in the Auditorium Santa Monica, Federal University of Uberlândia, and his 320 teachers participated.
At the end of the event, each school was asked to move human values through the book "Sathya Sai - Education in Human Values, Teacher's Guide" as a demonstration of having assimilated learning.
Lesson 24 on human value loyalty lay with the State School Cupertino Nelson, who presented in the form of minstrel, being applauded.
Following the Conservatory of Music presented the lesson 7, human sacrifice value, and did so with the artists of the home teachers, including music, dance and painting a panel, as the story unfolded. Were applauded by the beautiful, original and brilliant presentation.
The Seven State School presented the lesson of September 12, human value constancy. The creativity of the participants, along with poetry developed especially for this presentation, touched the hearts of all, developing a state of love and great joy. Were cheered.
During the night, the Conservatory of Music made us a very pleasant surprise: his group Serestas performed in the hotel lobby for the speaker and the directors of other state schools.
We conducted in the city of Patrocinio, Minas Gerais State, three seminars 8 hours, for municipal and state schools from the jurisdiction of the 29th Regional Superintendent of Education - Sponsorship (SRE), the State Department of Education.
These seminars through mutual cooperation between the SRE and the 29th Municipal Education Sponsorship were performed. The coordination at the state level to fit teachers Darlene Aparecida Ferreira, director of the 29th SRE, Elisa Ferreira de Andrade and Elsa Batista Pereira, respectively coordinator and advisor to DDAP. A municipal coordination was conducted by own municipal secretary of education, teacher Priscilla Marcia Magalhaes Queiroz.
Activities were given so that the teacher could recognize the power of love exists in your heart. Also apply the instruction of Sathya Sai Baba who teaches the teacher to engage all students in your classroom in the energy of universal love in your heart.
1st seminar
Patrocínio - MG, on August 3, 1998, 503 participants.
2nd seminar
Patrocínio - MG, on August 4, 1998, 491 participants.
3rd workshop
Patrocínio - MG on August 5, 1998, 494 participants.