For the first time, we held a seminar on Education in Human Values for the third degree in the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Araxá-MG. 130 educators participated, including teachers and graduates of the last year of teaching. The event was held in the auditorium of CEFET, between 14 and 15 April 2000.
For the first time, we held a seminar on Education in Human Values for the third degree in the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Araxá-MG. 130 educators participated, including teachers and graduates of the last year of teaching. The event was held in the auditorium of CEFET, between 14 and 15 April 2000.
On the initiative of Ivete Polachini Donin, educator, and Marieni Pizzato Xaubet, yoga instructor, the first of the Sathya Sai Human Values Program Seminar was held in the city of Toledo-PR, on 27 and 28 May 2000, in the auditorium Avelino Vieira, 140 participants from various professions, including: teachers, therapists, doctors, politicians, journalists, etc.
From 9 to June 11, 2000, in the auditorium of CEFET of Rio de Janeiro, held the Second National Congress on Education in Human Values for a total of 7 294participantes states. Disclosure of Congress was supported by the State Department of Education and the City Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro City. The Leaf Driven, newspaper specializing in Education, also supported the Congress. Made the cover of the three-day event, and has published four articles on human values, one with a poll with the educators who participated in the Congress. One group was formed in deeper human values.
To an audience of 214 participants, including parents of students, teachers, professionals, entrepreneurs, was held the first seminar on Education in Human Values in Goiania. This is the second time the seminar Avila College promotes human values, the coordinator teachers Vera Avila and Maria Célia de Oliveira Menezes. The former, in 1994, was unique for its teachers, but this time the Avila College sponsored this event for the general public, including providing small meal in between.
Was performed on 11 and 12 August, in the auditorium of Carmel Country Club, the First Seminar on Education in Human Values. The coordination of the event was the responsibility of the State College Aurelio Duarte, by professors José Maria Wermelinger Goulart and Maria Aparecida da Silva. Attended by 140 educators, including several neighboring municipalities.
Coordinated by Professor Neli Lourdes Baumgrapz, Municipal Secretary of Education, was held the first seminar on Education in Human Values, on 2 and 3 September 2000, in the auditorium of the Cultural Center. Attended by 220 educators, including some from neighboring municipalities. A beautiful cultural presentation occurred in both the opening and the closing of the event. Is regularly working a group of deepening human values, on the premises of the Secretariat of Education. The Sathya Sai Institute of Education has supported schools that have requested local support.
On 9 and September 10, 2000, was held the first seminar on Education in Human Values, for a total of 136 educators in the auditorium of the City of Assis Chateaubriand. The event was coordinated by Professor Sonia Maria de Matos Room, Municipal Secretary of Education, and was attended by educators from Toledo, Paraná and São Paulo-SP. Was applauded cultural opening presentation of the seminar. 110 teachers responded to the consultation for the formation of a group of deepening.
With the support of the Secretary of Education, the Regional Center for Education and coordinated by teachers Ivete Donin Polachini and Marieni Pizzato Xaubet, was held on 7 and 8 October in the Auditorium Theatre of Toledo, the seminar with the largest number participants of the year: 900 educators. All media - newspapers, radio and TV - supported the event, giving full coverage. The teacher Ermínia Gonçalves Machiavelli, Municipal Secretary of Education, delivered the keynote address, and the mayor of Toledo, Mr. Derli Donin, made the closing speech. Dr. Celio da Cunha, advisor to the UNESCO Office in Brazil, which did a brilliant presentation, presented the theme "The Four Pillars of Education and UNESCO."
With 450 participants, was held the first seminar of EVH in Rondon, PR, on the 9th and 10th October 2000. The event was coordinated by Professor Shirley A. de Souza Piccioni, Municipal Secretary of Education. Dr. Celio da Cunha, an advisor to the UNESCO Brazil, spoke with brilliance, a lecture on "The Four Pillars of Education and UNESCO."
Coordinated by Professor Eden Silverio de Oliveira, regional delegate of Education DREM-9, was held from 16 to 19 October 2000, in the auditorium of EMEI Dom José Gaspar, a seminar on Education in Human Values, aimed at directors, coordinators teaching and teachers in the schools DREM-9.
Professor José Hermogenes gave the opening lecture of the Second Seminar on EVH in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, 500 participants on 27 October 2000. On 28 and 29, the seminar was held in the auditorium of the Radio Club, for 270 participants. The seminar was an initiative of Holos College, with the overall coordination of Professor Elaine Alves.
Some of the teachers there, who also attended the first seminar of EVH, in 1999, informed us that they were putting into practice the human values in their respective subjects.