issue 826
Educators seeking awareness
In recent years, education has undergone a revolution. Are laws, projects and reforms in pursuit of excellence in teaching. In the midst of so many initiatives and attempts, aims to change the educational history of the country: the inclusion of awareness of human values in education. The matter was the subject of the Second National Congress on Education in Human Values, held days 9, 10 and June 11 in the auditorium of Cefet, in Maracanã.
Organized by the Institute of Sathya Sai Education, with support from HEADED LEAF, the event discussed the importance of educating for life and not for a living. In the opening lecture - An Introduction to Education in Human Values - Professor Gonçalo Medeiros talked about the importance of cultivating and transmitting human values.
According to the teacher, the education should be integrated with all life. "Not only to educate students to pass the entrance exam," he said. In its opinion, the formation of the individual is a whole and should not be divided into phases. Underscoring the importance of human values, Goncalo said the individualistic society we have today is a result of the lack of these values.
- People need to learn the true meaning of love and pass it. The teacher sends the student what he has, what he received. Today, transmit affection is not normal since nobody teaches it. And that is what must change. Only with a more caring and aware society possible improve our lives - said.
The director of the School of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Araxá (Minas Gerais), Mary Help Ribeiro spoke on "Educating for life or educate for a living?". Mary Help of Christians said there is no recipe or formula to educate.
- Each of us must have thermometer for this situation and make it happen - philosophized. The speaker added that educators should not fail to embitter by passing issues, but rather to change their lives for the ability to love. Throughout the explanation, Mary Help of Christians raised a question:
- Will we accept the sincerity of the student in the classroom when he says he does not like our matter? And when we are parents and we hear our children say they do not like Portuguese, for example? What we do? We accept. And why not accept as educators? - He asked.
She criticized teachers who are willing to strike, arguing that it would be a much more efficient movement that mobilized teachers to teach classes in the public square. According to Mary Help of Christians, society would appreciate much more the masters.
Mary Help Ribeiro stressed the importance of reawakening human values and not compete with the technological advances.
- We must always work on the differential - said.
At the end, she asked the audience to stand up and applaud the courage of each one to be present there.
The integration of moral values to the curriculum content was discussed by Professor André Zabludowski. In its opinion, the introduction of these values can be done in three ways: using the direct method, where the whole school is trained; personal decision by the teacher, where he began teaching values in the classroom; and through discipline history where facts and historical figures are used as an example to discuss the importance of human values.
- It is important to emphasize that human values should be cultivated from childhood. In early childhood education this can be done through music and art. The sooner we start the better the result, but that does not stop these values are introduced in more advanced classes - he stressed.
For teachers who attended the congress discussion of human values is fundamental to the development of education. According to Professor Iara Nunes de Almeida, 54 years, many of the problems faced by educators today come from the lack of solidarity.
- Nowadays, students have no respect for the teacher. It's hard to teach that way. No more solidarity there. We need to teach and learn to love others for us to change the history of our society - concluded.
What values should be cultivated in education?
LILA MARCIA, Professor
"I think the foundation is love. The people are really needing to discover that feeling to humanize more. Education should work it. Currently, the educational process is done coldly, dry, and should be revised. Fortunately, I think things are changing. "
Nivea RODRIGUES DE MELO, administrative agent
"The understanding, solidarity and love of neighbor. Today I think there is a very large gap. With technological advances people moved away. They do not search for each other, they resort to the machines. That's what we have to change. Resume that contact with others. "
MARCIO Pinheiro da Silva, administrative assistant
"The co-operation. This broadly, beyond the classroom. People must learn to cooperate with others, not to be selfish and only want your own good. This cooperation should extend to everyone, not just those who know . in this way, cultivate love of neighbor. "
"I think all human values should be cultivated because the man is a whole. But the highlight companionship and giving as major. The important thing is to give the other what he does best. Just be able to stop this wave of selfishness, which took account of human beings. "CANDIDA SOLANGE SOARES, teacher
"First, I think the moral value. From there, the child begins to be aware of human values and respect for others. It is only possible to develop the child's character. Make it grow conscious of moral values and respecting life and the next. "
Marieni Xaubet, biochemistry and professor
"The love, non-violence, duty, peace and truth. Only those values with the pure unconscious children will be formed. This is important so that when they have to act on instinct, good things emerge from within them . That at any time pressure always leave something good. "
Liria G. MACHADO, teacher
"Despite all values are important I highlight the most relevant sincerity and honesty. Honesty is allowing personal growth of humans, which provides respect for others. Only with sincerity and honesty if you can get to the love of neighbor ".
LUCY LOPES, psychologist
"I think the foundation of them all is love. Do you love comes to everyone else, which is truth, right action, nonviolence. With a person who will form another could not be different. Being is a human being who only develops with respect and love is the basis of all this. "